Pool Update
The original pool is over 40 years old and made of aluminum. It surpassed its life expectancy of 30 years as indicated by the professional pool consultants during their survey of our facility. Due to the material of the pool, repairs have been made throughout the years. During COVID-19, which forced a complete shutdown of the pool, more prominent ridges developed, making repairs significantly expensive and not guaranteed. We are asking the voters of McFarland to pass a bond measure to support the construction of a new aquatics center this November. Renderings show what it will look like if the measure passes.
Our Residents need a pool since most do not have access to one and there is a strong need to teach people of all ages how to swim. Community surveys show over 70% support for the project. We need 66.7% for passage.
Update: The bond measure failed gaining on 60% approval. Our board of directors is reviewing the potential bringing this to the voters again.